Student, 5 Reasons to Apply to Demola Challenges

Student, 5 Reasons to Apply to Demola Challenges

Demola brings together industry experts from leading companies and students from universities around the world. Read, how Demola can be a unique career-making opportunity and the best experience of your life!

Most of the university students around the world ponder similar kind of questions: What will I do when I graduate? How can I find my dream job? Is it possible to gain both relevant work experience and credit points while studying?

Demola provides students an opportunity to be young visionaries and participate in making the future. Students choose a partner company and a compelling case to dive into and work eight weeks with their team to reveal new innovation sparks.

5 reasons to apply to Demola

1. New kind of work methods

At Demola, you get to take part in creating a more meaningful future as you solve compelling real-life cases with a diverse team, consisting of professionals from partner companies and other students from various disciplines. Demola breaks down the walls of closed and stifled innovation work and gives students a view to future work methods.

2. A stepping stone towards your dream job

The meaning of networks is becoming more and more important in the globalized and technology-driven world. Real-life experience and contacts with global companies could be a springboard for your career. Demola provides you both – a chance to get to know the companies’ everyday life and meet their employees.

3. Relevant content to your CV

When applying a job, unique and diverse skills stand out and raise employer’s interest. By participating Demola innovation challenges you are able to complete your CV with a skill-set like creative problem-solving, design thinking and demo-building. Pretty impressive, right?

4. A hands-on way to earn credit points

Demola challenges are a part of your degree program and a great possibility to get credit points while leaving your mark on the future. For more information on credits, please contact your home university.

5. New friends and collaboration

Last but not least, let’s not forget the signification of people. Demola challenges could not be done without talented and motivated teams. Is there any better way to make new friends than solving problems, laughing and succeeding together?

Are you ready to put your skills to the test and co-create solutions as a member of an international and interdisciplinary team? Browse cases and apply now!

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Riikka Kämppi

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